We are grateful that all of the Flemings are living in one house again.
Our daughter Abbey moved back in with us. We are transforming the
basement of our house into a college pad. When Alan was working construction last winter he redeemed A LOT of thrown away lumber from the dumpster and now we have found a use for it.
It is a happy time for us and we are enjoying being together. The days when we will all be separated are coming quickly and we need your prayers for the strength to leave our 2 grown children in the US while, Alan, Leah and Ross head back to Kenya early next year.
We are not certain on when next year, we are still working on raising our monthly support and we have not yet begun to raise the ticket money to get back. In God's time He will provide all that we need and we are working hard to raise it while also patiently waiting for Him to provide it.
Thank you for praying for us.
The Fleming Family